Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

Changing textsize epslatex terminal or latexterm subroutine

 latexterm subroutine

Example file to change the fontsize in my latexterm subroutine:

The way it works:
1. Loading the gnuplot setup file
2. plotting a random function
3. evaluating the latexterm subroutine while renewing the normalsize in latex to another fontsize

 load "gnuplot-setup" 
 plot sin(x) 
 eval latexterm("test","6cm","4cm","",'\n\\renewcommand\{\\normalsize\}\{\\fontsize\{24.88\}\{30\}\\selectfont\}') 

epslatex terminal

In general you can also use it to change the textsize with the epslatex terminal for that you just have to add an option to the epslatex terminal like:

 set terminal epslatex header "\\renewcommand\{\\normalsize\}\{\\fontsize\{24.88\}\{30\}\\selectfont\}"

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