Then you can redefine the exisiting command \command and use the old \OLDcommand:
\renewcommand{\command}{this was \OLDcommand}
\renewcommand{\command}{this was \OLDcommand}
\AtBeginDocument{% \Opensolutionfile{FILE} } \AtEndDocument{% \Closesolutionfile{FILE} }
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{CLASSNAME}[CLASSCOMMENT] \LoadClass{CLASS_TO_LOAD}
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{dissertation}[class to write a perfect dissertation] \LoadClass{book}
\newcommand{}{} \renewcommand{}{}to define or change commands.
\AtBeginDocument{} \AtEndDocument{}to execute commands at the beginning or end of the document.
%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End:
%%% LaTeX-command: "latex -shell-escape"
\newcounter{NAME} \renewcommand{\theNAME}{\arabic{NAME}}
\titleformat{\NAME}[hang] {\normalfont } % format of titletext {{\bf Task \theNAME:} } % command before titletext {0pt} % spacing after titletext {} % before code [] % after code \titlespacing{\NAME}{0pt}{*4}{*2}
\titlespacing*{command}{left}{before-sep}{after-sep}For a more detailed description look into the titlesec documentatio, but these are the most important points.